City Birds
by glyp
The result of a series of excursions to the Los Angeles River before and during the record-breaking fires that blotted the skies with a grey-brown patina, glyp's "city birds" video pack is a celebration of the resilience of nature and these birds' ability to survive in the sometimes inhospitable urban milieu.
A Note From Glyp:
While glyp is no ornithologist, a little bird told him that these clips feature appearances from the morning dove, snowy egret, black-necked stilt, canadian goose, american coot, double-crested cormorant, bittern, mallard, spotted sandpiper, belted kingfisher, green heron, and the iconic great blue heron. While the video pack is free as a bird, any donations to Friends of the LA River (http://www.folar.org) are encouraged.